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8 Years and Counting Today

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My friends I am thrilled to wish Who Did That Media all a very Happy Anniversary today!

You may not know it but November marks the 8th Anniversary of Who Did that Media LLC. I can hardly believe that it has been 8 years since my brave wife nodded her head and said, “Go for it honey!

The last 8 years has been full of stress, fear, loathing, success, dreaming, forecasting, balancing, winning, learning and mostly laughing.

It has been hard work but together we have built something that has staying power and we are delivering a product our clients have called “second to none” and the “the best in the business”.

While in fact I have put many hours into building this business, my efforts would have been in vain were it not for key people who stood next to me and shared my dream.

So, let me now take the opportunity to thank you.

Our Amazing Voice Talent Team
Thank you, you are amazing and inspiring. Each day I am humbled that you continue to give us your best and endeavor to raise your performance to a higher level with each and every performance. I am honored to have been reunited with colleagues from my early days in the radio business and of course I am so impressed with the ever growing list of new voices. We are also especially blessed to have some major veterans of the voice over industry on our roster and for that I am very thankful and am certainly learning new things from them every day!

Our Diligent Customer Care Team
I must say we have come a long way. In the beginning we had crude tools and stressful communication issues, but over the years we have fine tuned our process and our clients are noticing the amazing work you do for them.

Phil Khoury, Web Guru
“You complete me man!” No other person could have melded the crazed ideas of a hyperactive entrepreneur into the amazing mechanism that is our Virtual Production Order (VPO.) Phil humbly distilled the ideas and lessons learned from 7 years of running this business into something that is unique in our industry. And, he just happens to be a very nice guy too.

Tina (Scott) Harlan, New Business Development & Customer Care
Tina was the very first person I called when I started Who Did that Media. In the beginning she helped me develop target lists and made countless phone calls to television and radio stations around the country. It is her early work that gave us our first foothold. Last September, I approached Tina and asked her to help me take my company to the next level. Her attention to detail and dedication to always doing the job the right way has made an indelible mark on my brand. Tina and I have been friends and colleagues for 16 years and I am a believer that fate put us in each other’s path.

Last but not least, my beautiful wife Anna who after just one year of marriage to me was brave enough to encourage me to follow my dream and start Who Did that Media LLC. She has been an ever present and abiding force in my life and in my heart and I am a better man because she stands beside me.